Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Flipped Classroom

ED Puzzle
Image result for ed puzzle 

According to wikipedia

Flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. In a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research at home and engage in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flipped_classroom  

So, flipped classroom is a simply switched classroom activities. The one that should be taught or explained by the teacher in the classroom will be learned outside the class or school time. Usually, they consider it as homework but only to hear or to discuss about the next topic given by the teacher. While in the classroom, the teacher will directly give the students some exercises regarding to the topic. So basically, the one that usually being taught at school (on traditional type of learning) will be the one that should be learned outside the class (homework) and vise versa.

I never experienced the flipped classroom yet while I was in my high school. But in the university, well, at first I don't know that the teacher used flipped classroom and just realized it now. It was my Pedagogy teacher. So she gave us the students some texts about the topic and we have to read it before the class started. After that, she asked us some questions about the texts and we have to know the answer, if no, she will consider us not reading the texts she have given. At the class, she did not explain anything except if someone ask about something or show difficulties.

I think this kind of technique can be effective enough to be applied, because it can save us some time to learn more. For Indonesian people, I guess if there's a will there's a way. I still think it would be effective to be applied in Indonesia if the students themselves have the will to learn.

The technique is quite simple, why? Because we can just prepare the materials and the students learn outside the class, then we prepare some exercises and done. As simple as that. But we have to remember there are some things we have to be careful of. The first one, make sure the students have the access to the materials. Second, make sure the materials are relevant and clear enough. Third, make sure that the students really read or discuss about the topic, maybe by using the same technique as my Pedagogy teacher. Lastly, make sure you have the access to reach all the students, so even tough they are not present in the previous class they still can learn about the materials.

I used ED Puzzle to help me creating one kind of flipped classroom. ED Puzzle is quite interesting for me. It gives us (especially new comers) a guidance for editing videos for listening comprehension which we will use for our flipped classroom in the future. It is super helpful for me as a new comer, since I did not know anything about how to use the tools inside the web. It also reccomend you some videos you can use for editing and some kind of examples inside. 

The tools inside ED Puzzle include:

1. Search: Where you can search for the other source of examples.
2. My Content: Where you can create the materials of your own.
3. My Classes: Where you can create the classroom type. (You can also change the subject of the materials and the targeted learners).
4. Share: The tool that allows you to share your masterpiece(s).
5. Your profile: Where you can change your setting and persnal data.
6. Log out button.

In my ED Puzzle here I will teach about how animals see the world. It is certain that I teach about science as the topic mentioned animals and the ability of their eyes. In my lesson, I hope that the students are able to identify the difference of sight between certain animals. So, the skill is certainly listening, the target of my teaching is senior high school students.

Here's the link to my Flipped Classroom:




  1. Hai!
    Nice blog post!
    I'm agree with you about that we never experienced flipped classroom in school.
    If you experienced it in university, it means that I will experienced it soon or later. Wow, it sound scary.
    I like how you explained what is flipped classroom because flipped classroom is something that Indonesian people unfamiliar with.
    Also, I just want to ask, your post have different font size. It tiny at the beginning, then it's big at the end. Maybe it would be better, if you have the same e font size from the start 'till the end.
    Thank you!
    Waiting for the next post!

    1. Glad you like it. I guess you will experience it soon if the teacher is still the same as mine, or maybe the teacher begin to think about the efficiency of this type of classroom.
      Yea, I'm working on my font.. Well, I guess I have to copy and paste it into words first, because I've tried to edit it on the blog itself but it did not change at all. So sorry for the inconvenience.

  2. Nice post! you give a brief explanation, lots of words though, maybe you can add pictures to make it interesting.
