Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Blended Learning

Bored with the same presentation? with the teacher centered class? with the classroom based class?
No worries, since Blendspace is now here!
Like what I have mentioned before. Blendspace did not require a classroom with teacher centered activity, instead you can bring the activity home and also do some interesting exercises. You will only need, 1. your gadget and 2. internet connection. And.. Walaa, you can make a completely different ways of teaching and of course it will decrease the boredom of your students and maybe also yours.

The learning goal of my blendspace is to help the students to learn about rooms (also some furniture inside the rooms) better and also easier by doing some exercises. The target are young learners, around 5 or 6 years old and included as novices. They are taking this class so that they can learn about the names of rooms inside their house.

In my blendspace, first I will show a video to trigger their general knowledge of the topic. Second, I will give them a small quiz about the video that I have shown before. Third, I will display a power point slides about the rooms and their furniture. After that, I will give them a link which leads directly to the website for the next activity. The activity is to hear and watch a video, and do the comprehension questions exercise after listening. Then, I will give them an exercise called fill-in-the-missing letters and check the answers afterward. Lastly, I will  give a last activity which is matching exercise and last slide to check the answer by using power point. When all the exercise has been displayed, the last row is about farewell and closing part by reviewing the lesson. I also include some instructions inside each slides on the description/notes box so that other teachers can use my blendspace with no or minimum difficulties. They will spend at least 30 minutes on doing the activities and I think it can be done in the class or as a homework after class.

I would like to use the technology to teach my students in the future. I think when I do so, the students will not get bored as the variations of the learning activities are changing from time to time. The internet connection might be the major problem for using this kind of teaching method but I think somehow we will figure out the way later. I like blendspace because it provides me the opportunities to  explore the way of teaching, it provides me with tools that I can directly use without changing the tabs which requires more time and energy, haha :). I think the students will adapt to it very quickly as the way of learning is much easier and fun I suppose. The resources are provided by more than one source of information, the information can be taken directly from tes resources, youtube, google, flikr, and many more. So, the information is fully covered, you can even put a website link on your slides. I think the autosaved need to be improved, because it is a crucial thing for saving our hard works. The autosaving sometimes got stuck and we need to refresh which means we will lost our work. It is better to give the save button also in the option so that we can try to save it again

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I love the way you explain things. It is so full of detail. That makes me understand of how it works. Personally, I think your blendspace is so cute. You did a great job. Well done!
