Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Memories of mine

Hi guys! Welcome back..
Today I want to introduce another technology we can use for teaching and learning, it's called "Adobe Spark". As what the name says, it's own by Adobe. Some of you might have heard about this, but for the others who don't I would gladly explain it to you..

So, Adobe Spark, from my experience it's like a best place to create digital storytelling videos. Where you can give photos and record your own voice. Not only videos, but you can also create a post or maybe pages, but I will focus on the videos.

Adobe Spark provides us with free account, the template and the story line are there already. So, you can use the available story line or you can actually create it yourself. You can choose your own theme and layout as well.

It's good for us to use this, especially if we are not too confident with our direct performances, it also let us train our fluency in speaking and our listening when we listen to other's story. Another benefits are we can share our opinion and story freely by using this application, also we can directly download the videos, free.

Every good things have flaws. So, here are some from my own opinion about Adobe Spark: The first one, since it's online you cannot use it as free as offline ones, you have to have internet connection and it should be a good one. Second, if you don't have the good connection or only so-so, the process of making the storytelling will be so slow and it sometimes lagging because it also auto saving (it happened to me :'( poor connection). Next, it limits the photo display for each layout or template you use, I don't really know but mine is like only 4 display choices for maximum 2 photos. There are also time limit for recording your voice and the slides are also limited. The last, The cropped image for the slides are too big, so we have to minimize it ourselves. It's okay tho for people who have great internet connection, but for me.. well I had to wait like 2 minutes for each time I click the minimize button and it's so desperating. But you know, I still in love with this website. Haha.

Here is the link of the website, feel free to make yours ^^
Adobe Spark

Here are the example of my storytelling by Adobe Spark, enjoy!

Me as a Child - Adobe Spark

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