Wednesday, October 18, 2017

HOT Potatoes

Online quizzes did not go well??
Well that's okay since "Hot Potatoes" are here (yayy!!)
What? You did not know about "Hot Potatoes"? Oh well, I will explain a bit about it..

"Hot Potatoes" and the other online quizzes such as Socrative, Quizizz and Kahoot are seemingly alike. But there are some simple things that make them completely different, as the name said the online quizzes are online while "Hot Potatoes" here are offline quizzes which is created to make teaching and learning easier when we do not have the internet connection. There are also some features that make hot potatoes different from the other quizzes.

The features inside "Hot Potatoes" are:
JQuiz    : This is the multiple choices-based quiz, as this quiz is in a form of multiple choices.
JCloze  : This quiz is a fill-in-the-blanks quiz, so the way of doing the test is by filling the gaps in each sentences.
JMatch : Like what the name says, this quiz is a matching quiz so we are given 2 or more column to be matched one another.
JCross  : This quiz is looked something like a crossword game, so the task is done by filling in the boxes according to the questions given.
JMix     : JMix is a jumbled words or scrambled words quiz, so the task is to reorder the words into sentences.

According to Half-Baked Software

The Masher : The Masher here is a tool for automatically compiling batches of Hot Potatoes exercises into units. Imagine that you have five Hot Potatoes exercises that form a single unit of materials. You want to build HTML files from all the exercises, with the same colors and appearance settings; you also want to link the exercises together using the navigation buttons, and create an index file for the unit. The Masher will do that for you.

Here are the steps on how you make the quiz
1. If you already have the app you can directly launch the app, if not you can freely download it here.
2. After that you can go ahead and install it and then launch it.
3. If you have already launch it, it will looked like something just like this
4. Next, it is up to you now, which type of quiz you wanted to make.

1. When you click on JCloze, it will show this kind of table.
2. In JCloze, you have to create a story or sentences and the function of the gap on the bottom is to give blanks in your sentences.
3. Firstly, you write the full sentences and then block the words you want to be blanked and click gap button.
4. Then, you can fill in the clue and the alternative correct answers are optional.
5. You can also use the Auto-Gap button to give you a direct gaps in your sentences.

1. This quiz is basically like a multiple choice quizzes. So, first create the question and then fill in the options.
2. You can add the feedback and also the percentage of correct answer on the right side.

1. In JCross you can directly insert the answers on the boxes provided.
2. After that you can insert the clues.

1. In JMatch, you can present vocab with its meaning or any other words in pairs.
2. The left side of the table are the ordered items, while the right table will be jumbled automatically by the computer.
3. You can add more jumbled items to make it not too easy for the students.

1. You can fill in the main sentence and the alternate sentences directly on the boxes provided, it will looked something like this.

The Masher
1. In The Masher, you can combine all the quizzes you have to be one quiz.
2. First, you click on the +Add files button and choose the quizzes afterward.

Here are some examples of my quizzes, please have a look :)

Verbs in the Kitchen - JMatch
Google drive


  1. Hi!
    Good job on explaining everything! I have not try the other one, but because you post I know what it like.
    But the stesps aren't very clear.
    That all from me.
    Keep the hardwork.

    1. Thank you so much Jovi. You made my day.. I'm glad you like it. :)
